
Pet Memorials

On behalf of the staff at Wooded Acres Animal Hospital, we are honored to pay respect to our beloved animal friends who have passed.  We also welcome you to create a lasting tribute for your beloved pet or animal friend on our website's Pet Memorial page. Please feel free to complete the following Pet Memorial Form in Adobe Acrobat format, which requires the free Acrobat Reader to view.

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Brandi was very smart and loving. I told her to do something and she knew what I wanted. She followed me everywhere and showed me so much love. She went outside and stayed on my property when I was with her.  She was a terrible loss.  When our parakeet was learing to fly, she was on the floor and we did not know it.  Brandi picked her up in her mouth and brought her to us without hurting her.  
I thank Dr. I and her staff for the excellent care they gave her,
                                                                                              Linda Lorey




                                                                                                      06/07/12 to 01/21/24

She began her life with us on a sunny day. We brought her home with her sister CoCo. Nana brought us a lot of joy and overcame most of her ailments. Her first operation was on her spine for a slipped disc. She couldn't be as spunky as she wanted to be. Then we found out she had
glaucoma and nothing could be done for her, but to remove her eyes so she didn't have to go through the pain in her head, for the rest of her life, she adjusted to everything, She was very brave. Nana was always a loving and kind soul. She could be soft and tender and always caring for us and CoCo. The two of them were very close. We loved it when they were resting and NaNa would put her head on CoCo as if to say I Love You. They had so much love for us and our granddaughters.When the girls came over for a sleep over, Nana and Coco were on cloud nine. They would get so excited. Our time with her was not long enough.Our hearts are broken. We are thankful for the time we had with her. We will miss her always and
know she will be with her sister and Taylor.
Our Love, hugs and Kisses from Mama and Papa.



                                                                                                         May 2006 - 8/23/21

Peewee my loving, loyal, playful, beautiful cat, you were a blessing to have in my life for so many years!!  You will be loved and missed everyday!





                                                                                                             8/1/11 - 5/10/21

On 5/10/21 we lost our beloved Casey after 14 years as a member of our family. His sister Brandy misses him very much, as we do as well. He was our little boy. Such a loving and wonderful dog. 

Through the care of Dr. Iannaccone and her staff he lived much longer than expected. On the day he crossed the rainbow bridge, Dr. I and her staff treated Casey with so much care and respect and allowed the process to go quickly for him and for us. Thank you so much to all.

                                                                                                            Linda & Lou

Casey lorey



                                                                                                            7/2/17 - 4/1/21

We are so heartbroken our Sandra has passed over the "rainbow bridge".  We miss you so much. You were born on our bed.  We knew you were going to be special.  Sadly your brothers and sisters did not survive more than 5 months.  We loved you for 3 & 1/2 years and our home will never be the same without you.  You are now with them and run and play like you always loved to do.  Love you sweet Sandra, till we meet again....gammy  and gampy.




                                                         Indiana Jones
                                                                                                       4/25/09 - 1/25/19

Little Hair Bear. We miss you every day. 9 wonderful years were not enough. You were the best cuddly companion we could have ever asked for. I miss playing fetch with you, seeing you race to the door to greet me, our daily morning walks, chasing the bunny rabbit, taking you places, and sleeping next to you each night. We will always love you Indy.

Indiana Jones



                                                                                           11/8/12 - 7/26/19

When tomorrow starts without me
Don't think we're far apart
For every time you think of me
I'm right here inside your heart.

Thank you Boots for always being by my side, through the worst and the best of times. Until we meet again. Love you so very much.


3/6/08 - 7/10/19

"Bella was our little girl. She saved my husband' s life when he had a stroke. Bella kept barking until she got my attention! Bella has kept an eye on her Father (my husband Fred) for 6 years. She loved to come and stay at Wooded Acres for her spa days. Even when Brittany would try and give her a bath, but Brittany would be the one to get the bath. We just want to say that everyone at Wooded Acres was a part of her life just like all of her family at home. Rest in Peace Bella!"


6/7/12 - 7/2/19

" She began her life with us on a beautiful sunny day when we brought her home along with her sister NaNa.
She was bouncy, bubbly, and a very good sister for NaNa. Like typical sisters she would run, play, tumble, and get herself into trouble.
About the age of four, she showed a great capacity for the care she gave to her little sister. She seemed to know NaNa lost her eyes so she would watch over her even more. With Coco's guidance, they could still run and play in the house.
Coco was like a human, she loved to get in our laps, stand up on our chest, and wrap her paws around our necks for a big hug.
When Daddy was on the floor she would get on his back for a pony ride and then try to kiss his face, lick his ears, or the top of his head.
She loved to play with boxes and tear them apart.  She loved opening all our gift wrapped boxes, she wouldn't eat any of the paper, just pull it off and spit it away.
She loved to play with us for a tug of war, fetch with her ball or any of her toys. She was Daddy's girl, always by his side and sitting with him. Loved to lick an ice cream cone, eat pancakes or french toast if Papa was eating anything she knew he would share with her.
We received so much love and devotion from her. She's up in heaven now not in any pain, running and jumping and will always watch over us. 
She had a very good life with our love and with our two granddaughters. She and NaNa would get so excited when they came for a sleep over. Coco was a very sweet girl, one of a kind. Her life in this world was not long enough, especially for us, but we are so thankful we shared her love. Our Coco will always be missed.
Our love, hugs, and kisses from MaMa,  PaPa and NaNa

coco1 coco2


3/9/09 - 3/24/19

Candy was a very special dog. She would get up on a chair and sit at the table and wait for dinner. She especially loved going to the Vet and looking for Lisa to cut her nails, Candy loved Lisa. 
We want to thank everyone at Wooded Acres for always being there for us.


7/19/05 - 3/12/19

"My step might be slower
may not hear as well.
may not see as well.
may not feel as well.
My love will be the same.
My devotion will be the same.
My appreciation will be the same.
My heart and soul are grateful
for all that you have done and do...


1/11/04 - 2/20/19

"Max was my best friend. He gave me and my family 15 years of joy, love, loyalty, and laughter. He was funny, vocal, and most important he was ours. He even knew how to give himself a bath. (LOL) He let me know everything he wanted or needed with a simple look and a wag. Although our home is full of canine family, it is still so very lonely without our Max. He will be missed always and I look forward to the day he greets me again. Max changed my life for the better. I am so very blessed for that and for him."


9/20/07 - 2/20/19

" Just like our shadow he will always be with us."



2/2009 - 2/22/2019

" My heart was shattered on the day that you left this world. My life will never be the same now that you are gone my little peanut, my Charley girl. You changed our lives for the better and I thank you. You were the tiniest fighter at only 1.6 lbs with the hugest heart! I will forever be grateful that I was chosen to be your mommy! I will miss your little wobbly self until we meet again. I love you Charley...forever and always!! "


4/27/14 - 1/20/19

" Baloo was my dear friend. He greeted me every day when I came home. He sat on the couch with me, slept on my bed. He was a Big Baby and I Love him.
Lynn Leech "


7/27/08 - 1/15/19

"I know you feel broken, so I won't tell you to have a wonderful day.
Instead I whisper these words to you "just hold on".
As the darkest days of grief start to get less...
The sun will rise again for you  - Zoe Clark-Coates
In loving memory of our Blondie girl."



9/13/03 - 1/13/19

" Clyde,
When we met you in 2003 we fell in love with the fat little black and white Jack Russell.

We loved you and Bonnie on the day we met you both. We still love you today.  You are gone and we won’t see you around the house but you will always be in our hearts – never to be forgotten.
Bonnie will miss you as well as all of us.  We know you are playing somewhere in heaven.
Thank you for all the great memories we’ve made together and all the joy you gave us and the entire family.  You have left paw prints on our hearts.

We all love you Clyde! "



6/2006 - 12/8/18

"Turtle (our little Turkey)

"Thank you so much for bringing more joy and laughter into our lives as well as your sweet loving companionship and loyalty. We can only hope that we gave you even a fraction of the love you gave us. You will always be our baby boy, forever loved, forever missed, til we meet again.                               XO RIP XO "



8/22/04 - 12/19/18

"Ida was the best companion anyone could ask for. She was my first dog and will be with me in my heart forever."



9/24/01 - 10/02/18

"We rescued Cody at 8 weeks. He was the greatest pet. The last year was tough, but he held on as long as he could."

Sri Buddha

2/19/06 - 9/20/18

"You were our brave Buddha boy, who survived cancer for three years. We will miss hearing your tri-pod gait on the wood floors, and watching you run like the wind on three legs. We all love and miss you. Rest in peace dear boy." 


11/2009 - 9/05/18

"Gus equaled pure love. Our house is not the same without his wagging tail and bark to greet us when we come home. Gus seldom met anyone he did not like. He had favorite people and could not wait to see them. Over time he became my ears for hearing the doorbell and eyes for noticing things that I did not. Most recently a snapping turtle that bit me. We loved Gus dearly and will celebrate his life by loving another furry friend. Peace Gus!"


12/09/07 - 08/30/18

"Wilson joined my daughter's family at 12 weeks old in 2008. He lived with her and her children for 8 years. Unfortunately, they were forced to move, so our precious Willy came to live with us. We quickly fell in love with him. We cared for and loved Willy for 2 1/2 years. His grandpa would take him on walks every night. Willy became my little baby who liked being carried in my arms like a baby. He enjoyed having lunch with his aunt every day and couldn't wait for her to come. He could hear the sound of her car coming up the street and would greet her at the window and front door with tail wagging back and forth.

Willy, you are missed by Emily, Andrew, Stephanie, Aunt Dana, Uncle Erik, Grandpa, and Grandma more than you will ever know. Our hearts ache for you."


2011 - 06/13/18

"Tuna came to us around 2013. My wife and I noticed him in our yard one night we thought he was just another one of the stray cats that come by from time to time. While I was doing yard work one night he showed up and just hung around and watched me from the steps. He seemed very friendly and would let us pet him. We gave it a week to see if he would either go home or someone would say he was missing, but no one ever claimed him. One morning I was leaving for work he came running over to me which he never did in the morning so we decided it was long enough and brought him into our home. At the time we thought Tuna was a female. He was a maincoon and very fluffy so you couldn't tell if he was a male or female. About a year or so after we let him in he started to have problems and had to go to the emergency vet where to our surprise we would find out our She was a He. That problem was taken care of and Tuna was in pretty good health for about a year or two then other things would pop up but he would always bounce back. Last year Tuna had another setback and we found out terrible news that he had a condition that basically couldn't be fixed. 6 months later things turned for the worse and our little buddy had to be put to rest. Tuna was not a pet, he was a member of our family. He spent his days sunbathing, bird watching, and watching other cats. He enjoyed drinking water straight from the tap. And playing with his favorite toys. He loved to cuddle on the couch on a warm lap or soft blanket. He enjoyed co-sleeping between his mommy and daddy. He greeted every guest that came to our home. We loved him like our son. He had such a personality, was very loving and gave the best kitty massages before he would plop himself down on our laps. We will never forget what he brought into our family. We miss and love him very much."


10/27/05 - 08/15/18

"Bailey, our sweet boy,
You have brought so much love and happiness to our family from the very first day up until your last. 12 years of unconditional love, laughter, and endless kisses. We all miss your silly, quirky personality. The house is sadly quiet without your eager barks begging for food, adorable loud snoring, and rapid toy squeaks letting us know you wanted to play. Instead of playing fetch, you created your own game called "catch me if you can", (you never can). You were such a curious boy, always needing to be in the center of everybody and everything because you needed to know what was going on at all times. We loved your company as you would just sit and watch with glistening eyes and a sweet mushy face. Your expressions were priceless, like a real boy. The list is endless of all the little tings we love and miss so much. Your sister Bella misses you too. We thank you for making our lives better and for showing us true companionship. You are forever in our hears, our best boy. It wont be the same without you. Mommy, Daddy, Danielle, Ariana, and Bella love you so so much. See you soon angel."


6/5/09 - 7/2/18

"Dante loved us like crazy and we loved him like crazy. Gone too soon. Goodbye old friend. May we meet again over the rainbow bridge."


4/5/06 - 7/23/18

"Jazmine joined our family at 4 1/2 years of age. She had had 3 litters for a reputable breeder and he spayed her, gave her all of her shots, and gave her to me. We bonded immediately. She became my shadow and would only leave my side to play ball with the other dogs at the dog park. She was such a sweet loving dog and I miss her greatly. (and so does her 11 year old Golden brother Max)."



3/08/05 - 6/20/18

"Buddy came to us at 4 months old. He was an awesome lab that loved life. At a young age he learned to pheasant hunt and took his job very seriously. He loved his human family as well as his fur brothers and sisters. We will always hold a special place in our hearts for our first family dog and will miss him. Run free Buddy. We love you."



11/03/08 - 4/25/18

"Our white angel, we are heartbroken - Gracie misses her big sister! I'm sure you're with Holly and both Chrissies - run free my girl - we love you! "


11/11/03 - 3/28/18

" Luna Bella
Our Moonstruck Girl, you have been with us for 14 years in our Hearts. And for many more you will stay. I know your body has left me, But you are still here in my life always.

Mom & Dad will forever love you."


3/9/08 - 2/4/18

"Oh my little "Eddie Spaghetti", The Happiest dog I ever knew
Always wagging your tail no matter what (I called you Mr. Wiggle Butt"
We had no idea your time was due.
It's just too soon to say, "Goodbye", 
Like a comet that shoots across the summer sky.
In life by my side you would sit every day, 
now that your gone, in our hearts is where you will stay.
Dear Eddie, we love and miss you so much.
Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in our hearts." <3


Radha Rae

2/19/06 - 1/8/18

"You were our little miracle. Now you are our little angel.
Rest in peace sweet girl. We will love and miss you always."



6/19/04 - 12/30/17

"Tobey was a part of our family for thirteen years. Growing up, I always wanted a little white dog, and Tobey was everything I could have wanted and more. Our house is not the same without him. I miss him so much. No amount of time would have been enough. Rest in peace, Tobey. We love you so much. We will meet you image

one day at the Rainbow Bridge."

"You no longer greet me,

As I walk through the door.

You're not there to make me smile,

To make me laugh anymore.

You were far more than a pet.

You were a family member, a friend,

A loving soul I'll never forget.

It will take some time to heal-

For the absence to go away.

I still listen for you every day.

You were such a great companion,

Constant, loyal, and true.

My live has been much richer,

Because I loved a pet like you."  - Author Unknown


8/4/16 - 12/15/17

"Although Quincy was only in our lives for a brief time, he left us with wonderful memories of a loving, smart, and humorous companion. We adopted him thinking we would give him the world. Turned out he gave it to us! He will forever be cuddled up on our hearts."



10/2008 - 10/07/17

"Digit little boy of mine, You had just turned nine. We lost you way too soon, We only learned you were sick this past June. You were such a gentle soul, to save you was my goal. Our forever lost friend, It will take time for our hearts to mend. For they are all broken, In memory of you we made a garden as our forever love token. Miss you dearly...."


Cassidy Shea

10/27/10 - 10/27/17

"Seven years ago, a timid little sheltie came into our hearts and our home. She fit into our family perfectly with her spunk and sparkle and unexpectedly left us way too soon on her seventh birthday. Cassidy left paw prints on our hearts. Angels come in all kinds of forms. Cassidy was, is, and always will be a special angel.

With love, 
The Rubenstein Family "



2/3/07 - 10/05/17

"Bailey was as loving as seh was stubborn but she always knew who needed an extra kiss or snuggle. Although her time with us was too short, our memories of her will last a lifetime."


8/8/05 - 9/11/17

"Luke was our third son, borther and best tennis ball retriever in our family. He loved swimming, hiking, playing catch and eating. He will live in our hearts forever."

The General

5/2011 - 9/10/17

"We've had ten pets during our marriage but the loss of The General hit us hardest. Only 6 with two congenital heart defects that suddenly turned life threatening. The General was a mush and a clown. He randomly closed doors throughout the house, once swinging open the basement door as Frank came down the hall in the dark from the bathroom - walking right into it. "God damnit General." Everything we'd say at home was always funnier becasue we named him The General. Frank swore no more pets as it was so painful for him to see me so over wrought at each loss. Then Lisa plopped this 5 month old kitten into his arms. Done."


8/2008 - 7/12/17

" My Kilo girl - my heart cries and aches for you every day
I look and talk to you everyday - all day
I want to see you and hold you all the time
I am loving you every minute of every day my pretty girl.
I love you Kilo girl - I want to see you in Heaven."



2/10/06 - 07/25/17

"My Sweetie Pie-
the sweetest dog I ever met-
Even though I have a new pet-
the tail was always wagging-
I miss her so very much, and forever will.
:(   Frannie "

Maggie May

9/20/04 - 6/24/17

" <3 Sweet Maggie May, 
The joy and love you gave us will last the rest of our lives. You will always be in our hearts."



7/29/04 - 05/17/17

"Tank, from 8 weeks to 12 1/2 years old you gave all of us so much happiness. We will miss you ever day. Now you can run as fast as you want pain free. We love you Tank."



5/2003 - 5/2017

"Simon was one of two litter mates that I adopted from a rescue program. 
   He was the "Bad Boy" of the brothers (Simon and Garfunkel) getting into everything off limits! But as you would suspect - I loved him a little more than Garfunkel (who was the quiet sleeper in the sun and lap cat).
   Garfunkel and I both miss Simon - Gar. showing it by sleeping on the small rug where Simon slept and shadowing me everywhere (as if afraid I too will disappear). 
   This cats mom (my 5th cat) taught me a lesson about the close connection to wild cats of all sizes. He had traits of his ancestors but allowed me to share is 14 years. I will always miss him!"



2002 - 2017

"We are so sad Sadie had to leave us.  There's no more pets which is the weirdest, quietest thing.  Pets bring life into a house - you vocalize their personalities, you know their likes, dislikes and routines, and they just make everything better overall.  I don't have to tell you guys that.  I think you feel your owner's pain as much as they do.  That candle on the counter is so special, but makes you cry, but it's all good.

My daughter should go into Hospice Care for pets, because she knows what makes animals, especially cats, happy and kind of knows their unspoken Bucket Lists and implements it for them.  Both the kids had a tender relationship with her and it was hard to say good-bye, but believing in the Divine, we were all together and technically, we weren't supposed to be that day.  I think it came together for a reason because something bigger than us knew it was time to say goodbye. 

We doted on her a lot and even more after we learned of her tumor.  We each had a unique relationship with all our animals, as do most owners, but just to honor Sadie's memory, I'll tell you quickly just a few... 

Cuddles and chin rubs on Madelyn's shoulder

Little David always stealing her away to sleep with him in his room or homemade fort (she was oddly patient with him and didn't even try escaping - or scratching :) 

Swatting my mother away so she'd have the couch all to herself (which was hilarious to watch, and my mother would be intimidated and give in - lol),

Naps with Dave

She'd let me pet her endlessly and how she'd walk to the door almost every morning to watch the kids get on their buses that arrived less than a minute apart.  I'd watch from my end, the kids from their buses, and their bus drivers getting a charge out of her doing this.

There's a picture of her and Freckles and Poppy from younger days (so cute),  nuzzling with Madelyn 2 weeks ago, and her enjoying one of her top spots - in her bed in the sunny bay window a couple of months ago.  Just thought you'd like to see them.You ALL did an amazing job of taking care of Sadie, her 'peeps,' and frenemy, our sweet Chloe.

Love, heartfelt thanks, and God bless each of you for everything."


07/01/97 - 01/21/17

"When tomorrow starts without me, don't think we're far apart. For every time you think of me, I'm right here inside your heart" - Unknown


09/22/02 - 12/16/16

"Heaven has gained a new angel. For 14 years we grew up together. We had adventures & amazing times. She was an imcredibly smart dog. She knew what she wanted & she would try & convince anyone around to help her out. Whether it be pupperonis or a piece of bacon, she would just look at you with those big brown eyes and they would speak to you. She was a loyal companion and truly my best friend. She always knew how to put a smile on my face and create a laugh for others. She was a very good girl and you will be missed Becky. Go play with your friends in heaven but just please remember me on the Rainbow Bridge."



06/2003 - 11/2016

"To Shadow, 

    You were the best first dog mommy could ask for. Me & Dad will miss you very dearly.

Love Always, 
William & Natasha"


01/00 - 8/9/16

"Max you were our friend and companion for 16 1/2 years, you were our family. Your loss has created a huge void in our home and our hearts. The wonderful memories of the love and laughter you brought to our lives will stay with us forever! Maxie we love and miss you so much everyday but we know that in time we will see you again.Thank you for all the joy you brought to us, we think of our gentle boy everyday! We love you."


Pretty Kitty


"Our Pretty Kitty and old feral we befriended and brought into out home to live as our pet. She had 3 years with us. She was loved very much. We wished she stayed longer, but she left knowing we loved her with all our hearts. Her last years were spent with a warm bed and plenty of food and water, and lots of cuddles. Thank you all, for your gentle touch and kindness."



5/23/11 - 9/2/16

"This little love spent 5 years making me happy. Isis was brilliant and unique. She would jump on my lapfrom across a room, and never use one of her claws for balance. When I taught her to play fetch, she played along for a short while to show me she understood, before I'm sure she rolled her eyes at me as if to say "This is too silly for me". She was the most gentle and loving lap kitty who enjoyed sitting on top of my head. She could cuddle for hours and if she slept with me, she only moved if I needed her to. She was smart, sweet, and spunky. She loved collars and leashes and didn't mind kitten t-shirts or dressing up like Santa. I've never met a cat with such personality. I was blessed to know such love from my little bengal. Isis my sweet little baby meow angel, 5 years was far too short. I love you so much and I am so thankful that you melted my heart. ~ <3 <3 <3 ~"


Quincy Mc Duff

2/14/03 - 8/11/16

"13 years ago an adorable puppy came into my life,Quincy McDuff was his name. It was love at first site.Moving on many years. First my son got married, then we had to put down our Lab, Boomer. Future on my husband passed away. It was just me & Quincy now. He was by my side morning and night. I sill look for him in everything I do. He's pain free now & up in heaven with my husband Lou & Boomer his big brother. Rest in Peace Quincy, I'll always love you. - Mom" image


2001 - 2016

"Jillian was adopted into our home and hearts at the young age of three. she truly was the sweetest,friendliest cat ever. Anyone who met her instantly loved her. Thank you to Dr. Iannaccone, Dr. Garrison, and the wonderful staff at Wooded Acres Animal Hospital for giving us 12 magnificent years with the best cat ever."



1999 - 2016



2/6/05 - 7/2/16

"The day Chloe had to leave us was one of the worst days of our lives and we miss her profoundly. Chloe ate socks on Tuesdays and threw them up on Saturdays when she was a puppy. Food ruled her universe, but so did tennis balls and squeaky plush toys. You dare not leave her in the house while it snowed or excluded her from a snowball fight. Loved sprinklers! Tore open her presents. Loved her dog bed, blankies, and warm, furry friends. Frisbee maniac. Cathedral Pines in winter was her nirvana. Chloe loved fires in the backyard and having bubbles blown for her. She was smart and fun to train and retained everything she learned. She was so easy to love and like, making it all the more heartbreaking to let her go. She was silly, and a friend, and brought laughs and joy to us all. We were honored to have her in this lifetime, anyone would be. She'll be missed forever.

To everyone at Wooded Acres - Thank you for loving Chloe and taking such good care of this precious dog, especially in her last delicate year. Thank you too for letting her special soul be acknowledged on your site."



3/2005 - 6/2016



2002 - 2016

I bought Maggie when she was 13 weeks old. If there's a "best dog spirit" it was put inside her! Everyone who met Maggie just loved her. She passed when she was 13 which is pretty good for a lab! But she lasted that long because Dr. Iannaccone and her staff are the best. Thank you for giving me 13 wonderful years with the best dog ever.



1999 - 4/4/16

"Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart."
#adoptanolddog  #seniorrescuedog



10/2003 - 3/24/16

"We adopted Charley from the Brookhaven Shelter in 2009. When we first adopted him, he was not a happy camper and would not interact with us – at all. Perhaps he was mistreated in his former home, but it would take many months of our affection before he would even respond to us and longer before he came to trust us. When he did learn to trust though, it was a beautiful thing. Just to see him roll on his back and do his “wiggles” made our day. We live in a wooded area and one of Charley’s favorite pastimes was to sit in his yard and listen to all the sounds. He would be so entranced by his surroundings, he wouldn’t hear our calls to come in. He also loved to bark, ferociously, non-stop at any person or animal passing by. He was tenacious in that way. Even when the threat had passed, he would turn around and give it one or two more dirty looks and another bark or so – just for good measure! For a 16 pound dog, he seemed to think he could take on the world. He was a little dog with a tough-guy attitude. We had many nicknames for Charley. We called him Take Out Charley and he must have eaten a lot of take-out in his former life, because he would beg non-stop at the sight of an eggroll. We called him Charley Chips, because he loved Potato Chips and Tortilla Chips - at the crunch of a chip – he was on the spot in an instant, giving you those begging eyes. We called him Sir Charles because he liked his certain bed, blanket and sweater. He liked a certain spot on the bed. Charley liked routine. Things needed to be done the same way, at the same time, all the time, as far as Charley was concerned. If we forgot that it was time for him to get his medication, he would come and stare at us, or at the table where the pills were stored. He was really funny in that way. Of all the things we loved about Charley, the site of him running is what I will might miss most. Perhaps he was a show dog in his past life, because he ran with such grace – his ears flapping up and down, tail swaying side to side, he was poetry in motion. Charley was a grumpy dog, who didn’t really like people or other animals, but he was a beautiful dog to us, with a wonderful personality that we miss every day."


Roadrunner "Roadie"

2008 - 2016



6/2005 - 2/19/16

"Peanut was a very special cat. He was born in the woods, his mother was feral. He loved sitting in the sun on his favorite chair. He was very gentle, loving, and sweet. All the cats looked up to him as their father: RIP Peanut you are very loved!"



7/2006 - 01/28/16

"Madeline came into our lives when she was about 10 weeks old. Found on our patio - No owners claimed her. She quickly became our sweet baby girl who kept all the boys in line...
Every Wednesday, she enjoyed her Carvel ice cream, especially vanilla.
To honor her, ever Wednesday, a toast of her favorite ice cream. 
We love you Maddie Forever and Always."


2/18/06 - 12/31/15

"Beloved Kali... You were the mother of the universe, goddess of destruction. Protected and took over after your daddy Rama passed. You were a cuddle bug, snoring machine. We will miss your cute as a button face and forever loyalty! Rest in peace with your family: Rama, Shanti, Jaya, & Prema whom we never got to meet. Happy New Year sweet girl!"





2/19/16 - 11/19/15

"Beloved Jaya Devi! Our victorious goddess!!! You were a faithful, loyal friend and family member. Sister to 3 others, and a lover of food. Each day we rejoice in your spirit and love for living. You are truly missed and each year we will ring out with cheer celebrating your existence during the spirit of Christmas and Thanksgiving cheer. We love you Jaya the Giant!!!"



4/24/10 - 11/13/15

To our "Sweet B" Brodie
"You are so very loved and so deeply missed."
We love you,
Mommy, Daddy, & the Sissies



4/13/97 - 6/25/10

To "Gooby" Nyko, 
"Our constant companion & loyal protector. We love and miss you."
Mommy, Daddy, & the Sissies



4/23/03 - 11/13/15

"Shea was our son Drew's dog, but the family's big goofball. He never outgrew puppy-hood despite how big he became, and loved "greeting" one and all who came through our door by leaping gleefully and weaving between legs, no matter if you had been gone six months or six hours. He loved belly rubs and walks and lying on the porch. We'll miss him, the house is too quiet! Miss him "talking" to me about his supper time or snacks..."


3/16/01 - 10/6/15

"Skippy was with me through so much of my life. It was comforting to have him as a constant companion over the last 14 1/2 years. He adapted (not always happily) to many big changes in my life. Through it all, he was there for me. I miss my "little spoon" so much. The empty space next to me in bed at night is a constant reminder. He was the best snuggler <3"



8/2008 - 10/2015

Golden Memories
"They say memories are golden, well, maybe that is true.
I never wanted memories, I only wanted you.
A million times I cried.
If love alone could have saved you, you would never have died.
In life I loved you dearly, in death I love you still.
In my heart you hold a place no one else could fill.
If tears could build a stairway and heartache make a lane.
I'd walk the path to Heaven and bring you back again.
Our family chain is broken, and nothing seems the same.
But as God calls us back one by one, the chain will link again."
Love Always,
Mom & Dad



3/6/04 - 7/6/15
"Jesse was my first that dog you dreamed of your entire childhood and then as a young adult,  until that one day no one could tell you NO anymore and getting a dog was all your own decision.  Finally my forever dream of my forever dog finally came true for me with my baby Jesse.
Not a day goes by that I am not reminded of all the wonderful dog lessons, 

Jesse has taught us:
*Enjoy The Simple Pleasure Of A Walk
*Run and Play Daily
*Be Loyal, Faithful and Quick to Forgive
*Always Drink Plenty of Water (Wine for me)
*Avoid Biting When A Growl Will Do
*Follow Your Instincts
*Sometimes It Is Best To Sit Close And Just Listen
*Keep Digging Until You Find What You’re Looking For
*Accept All Of Life’s Treats With Gratitude
But most of all…….
To Love Unconditionally
Forever in our hearts and dreams, our loving Jesse."


2/18/02 - 9/21/15

"Beloved Shanti,
    You were my very first dog. Stubborn as an ox, gentle as a lamb, love as big as a horse, spirit as peaceful as a butterfly. You loved your boat rides, fishing, basking in the sun, long walks in the stroller, and smelling the sea. You outlived many and are watching over us with some great spirits. We have an abundance of wonderful memories, and will never forget your seal sounding bark and how much of a presence you were in our home and forever in our hearts. Om Shanti, shanti, shanti....Peace, peace, peace."



8/22/04 - 9/10/13

"Rama was the most loyal dog, father of 4 beautiful puppies and protector of the 'pack' and household. Carried his lion everywhere like a nurturer but had a mighty fierce protective instinct. Miss my sweet boy every day. We know he is still with us in Spirit. Kisses sweet boy."



1/1/03 - 8/18/15

"Paw Prints Left By You"

You no longer greet me, 
as I walk through the door, 
you're not there to make me smile, to make me laugh anymore. 
Life seems quiet without you, 
you were far more than a pet, 
you were a family member, a friend, 
a loving soul I'll never forget, It will take time to heal for the silence to go away, 
I still listen for you and miss you every day, 
you were such a great companion, 
constant, loyal, and true.
My heart will always wear, 
the paw prints left by you.


8/26/06 - 7/12/15

"We met at a stop sign, she followed my car for 2 1/2 miles! Playing the pace car watching to see which way I took at turns to keep following. She stayed with me for 6 days, would go everywhere with me, after that I went on doors asking if anyone owned her. Didn't find anyone and this gorgeous dog had cuts on her ears & head when I found her so not sure how long she was on the streets for. So long story short she found herself a home and her & I found best friends in each other! Never had a connection with an animal the way her & I had. She was more human than dog.The things she would do & her behavior amazed me. I really don't think I'll have this again that's how special and unique she was and I've had many animals, all sorts in my life, many dogs. But she tops the list I tell ya... Nothing will ever compare to her or fill this void. I'm grateful for all the support. This is really tough for me."


1/19/05 - 7/1/15

"About ten years ago, I had adopted Casey (the cat on the left) when she was about six months old. We did not bond instantly. I did not know much about cats, as I grew up mostly with dogs. We removed her from her siblings and the caretaker didn't work. She had a difficult adjustment. When I would come home from work she seemed sad so I decided to adopt another cat to keep her company. Pretty Boy became her world and they were inseparable. As Casey's nurturing side showed itself, I became more and more attached to her. When I adopted Pretty Boy, three days later Pretty Boy himself had come down with a virus he had brought with him from the shelter. Casey took care of him. She herself had caught the virus a few days later, but recovered.A couple of weeks ago Casey became very ill. Pretty Boy stayed by her side. On July 1, 2015 Casey passed away. Me & Pretty Boy are grateful for having Casey in our lives. Rest in peace Casey. We love you!!! <3 "



2007 - 2015




12/8/05 - 4/2/15

"Rocky was very shy but was loved very much by both of us. We miss him very much, but are happy he is now at peace and not suffering. We will always be thinking of him."



2/2/13 - 3/26/15

"Best Friends Forever"


12/10/2013 - 3/30/2015

"Malibu - AKA- "Mali-Ru", you were my jumping kangaroo. If I could have one lifetime wish, one dream that could come true, I'd pray to God with all my heart for yesterday and you. But, God had bigger and better plans for you. No more suffering and no more pain. I will see you in heaven again one day."



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Office Hours

Pandemic Schedule


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-6:00 pm


8:30 am-5:00 pm


8:30 am-4:00 pm


8:30 am-1:00 pm




Read What Our Clients Say

  • "We have two cats and we have been taking them to wooded acres for few years and never had a problem. We even boarded them for a week when we went to florida to visit my son. Our cats are always treated very well when they are there. The doctors and the staff are excellent. I would recommend this animal hospital to anyone because they do there job and they care about your babies."
    Mary Ellen Monaco
  • "Best animal vet I’ve ever been too"
    Samantha Beth Vogel